Friday, July 25, 2014

I scream, you scream!

Jeni's ice cream is mouth slapping good.  Usually ice cream is rich, sweet and satisfies your need for a cool treat, but even your favorite is only mildly flavored. But Jeni's ice cream is different.  It takes real flavors of desserts that are also your favorites and turns them into amazing concoctions of deliciousness.

Check out their website that has picto-stories of certain flavors, and is just generally cool.
Preview Sweet Cream Biscuits & peach jam. 

In Ann Arbor you can buy Jeni's at Plum Market in pints. Otherwise spend a few extra dollars and get a party pack shipped to your house. It's an indulgent luxury but it's worth it!  It's especially sweet because it hails from Columbus, Ohio, the city of my new cool sister-in-law, Emily.

1 comment:

John said...

We tried out the Sweet Cream and Peach Jam during our last trip to Columbus and it was perfect. They did a Cherry Lambic that is also very good. Brambleberry Crisp is my default. The local pints are very good, but the hand scooped versions are better in my view.