Saturday, March 30, 2013


With an incredible back log of recipes and musings, this floated to the top.

Bright. Intense.
Ruby-toned. Almost reflective.
And I'm hanging on to it like a life preserver, promising the warmth of days to come.
Maybe it sounds like I'm exaggerating, and perhaps I am a tad, but this winter was cold and gray. And I'm excited for this year's thaw.

We're a few weeks away from the Michigan variety (which i usually hold out for), but these Washington state beauties caught my eye in Busch's yesterday.

Right now I have stewed 6 wide bright red stalks in a bit of water and a heavy hand of sugar.
I'll strain the mixture, saving the tender solids for a compote. For a delightful dessert, fold this compote into freshly whipped cream, and top with a spoonful of lemon curd.

The syrup will be saved for cocktails or Italian sodas.

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