Sunday, January 03, 2010

seeing myself skinnier or at least healthier...

because who are we kidding? I'll never be a skinny person. I just don't have it in me. I do, however, need to tighten the belt a couple notches. Reign it in a little. I realize it's cliche to start a diet in January, and I do hate to be cliche. But sometimes, a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.

So I'm here just to quickly vent: I'm already dreading the diet that will begin tomorrow. I hope I can keep up the blogging even though I'll be weak with hunger.

Somehow my stomach knows that the clock has just struck midnight, and it let out a big obstinate growl.


Lilies of the Field said...

send your food over here. me thinks i'll be eating a pb and j sandwich tonight... can almost see the back of my fridge.

Ellie said...

You have a lovely blog...thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your love for food...