I'm dreading every long ride now. I know I need to just start packing food, but with four little ones it's sometimes near impossible to pack suitcases and American Girl dolls and books and toothbrushes and Nintendo DS's and diapers, and then on top of it all pack a lunch for six. I need to do it, but I just haven't gotten in the habit. At any rate, everyone was hungry, so we pulled into a Wendy's.
When asked by my husband what I wanted, I replied, Cripy chicken sandwich (which although it is fast food is at least real chicken breast) and large unsweetened iced tea.
Here's what was in the wrapper - chicken sponge.

I detest chicken sponge, but we were already back on the highway and it was 2pm and I hadn't eaten all day. I had a small reserve of snacks left for the kids, but I could bring myself to steal from my toddler. In my husband's defense he offered to turn around and rectify the situation, but it was too late. I had already lost my appetite.

Why must they tease and call it chicken? It is most certainly not chicken.
Excuse me while I gag.
This is habit-changing.